Work to Be Done.
Dear Friends,
On November third, you will steady yourself for a hurricane of emotions: laughter and joy, anger and rage, heartache and despair, hope and excitement. These will be emotions you feel within yourself that might be hard to navigate through. And your people will hold these emotions within themselves that will be difficult to process. So when the results are not as you hoped or not as your friend hoped, how will you create spaces for yourself or others to grieve without judgment or resentment? How will we be the church together? How can we help each other brave the storm, regardless of the results?
I am reminded of the history of our faith, dear friends. I am reminded of kings and kingdoms, nations and military generals, empires and rulers falling, collapsing, being defeated and sacked—the people exiled from their land, enslaved and oppressed where everything was taken. The people cried out to God and yet they still found themselves wondering, “Is this the end for us?”. Friends, the Holy Spirit has seen far worse than this American election. The Holy Spirit has been faithfully involved in every aspect of human history, revealing another kind of kingdom, another kind of way to be human in the midst of shifting politics and empires. Our purpose and mission in the world as people of God doesn’t change with or without a new president.
What is that mission and purpose, you might wonder? Jesus tells us in John 13:34-35, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
Our purpose and mission in the world has not changed, my friends. We are called, empowered, and commissioned by Jesus Christ to love each other. So may we love each other by looking for ways to listen to the pain and anger. To sit in the silence and grief. To care for the needy and lonely. To pray for each other and build each other up. May we look for ways to love each other really well.
You are not alone, dear friend. We are with you and Christ is with you and you are loved.
Now, dry your tears or put away your party hats. There is much good to be done in the world today and we need you.
With (love),